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Change log: Strip plot

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  • Support for the new FormattingModel
    Update to Power Bi Visuals API 5.2.0


  • Added formatting for the zoomslider
    Replaced scrollbar with a new version
    Fixed issues with the zoomslider
    Improved loading performance
    Fixed some minor issues


Added support for MS Licensing API
Added Title-field for analytics lines
Fixed some minor issues
Updated libraries
Updated to Power Bi Visuals API 4.7


Fixed issues with the colours when using a legend
Fixed issues with axis labels
Fixed issue with Analytics Line when using start and end values in the axis.
Fixed issue with selecting data points when using a legend.


  • Updated libraries
  • Add restriction to only add numeric or date-values to the Values-data-field


  • Added the ability to add Analytic Lines to the chart.
  • Added a zoom slider to this chart.
  • Value axis is now accepting Date-values .
  • Fixed issues with the formatting of axis labels.
  • Changes to license behaviour
  • Show “No Data available page” if there is no data.
  • Added some minor fixes
  • Update to API 3.5.1 (compatible with Power BI version January 2021 and newer)


  • Changed the behaviour of the license messaging.
  • Added a legend-data field to add series to the Strip plot
  • Added formatting options for the new legend-item
  • Added two new shape options for the marker (open circle and open triangle)
  • Fixed a bug with flipping axes when using start- and end-values
  • API-version 3.2.0 ( compatible with Power BI version May 2020 and newer)

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