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Change log: Shielded HTML Viewer
- Implemented the formattingModel to support the new formatting pane
Updated to the Power BI Visuals API 5.2.0
- Fixed issue with unlicensed background when exporting the visual when it is licensed with a Microsoft License
- Added support for clip-path on SVG-elements.
Removed minimal visual size
Replaced TsLint with EsLint
Updated libraries
- Fixed issue with licensed visual showing “unlicensed” in the background when opening a page.
- Added the usage of the Microsoft Licensing API
- Added the font-tag to the allow list
- Added png as image file for the Data-URI
- Added unset for font-size and margin of unordered-list tag
- Changed license behaviour
- Added support for the NAV-tag to add navigation-menu’s to your report
- Allowing to use SVG-tags and attributes
- Supporting the IMG-tag only with the use of a Data URL (images only)
- Added an option to view the rendered/sanitised HTML
- Fixed an issue with using colours in your HTML-code
- Added toggle to hide hover on items
- Added option to copy the Rich Text to the clipboard
- Added the ability to use measures in the data-bucket.
- Added more new style properties to the allow-list, check the KB to see which style properties are added.
v. 1.3.0
- Changed the behaviour of the license messaging,
- Unsetting the Power BI css-setting for the <li>-tag to allow css-defaults
- Added new style properties to the allow-list to allow flexbox-layout
v. 1.2.1
- Updated “powerbi-visuals-api” to 3.2.0
- Added style properties to the allow-list to prevent using malicious code into these properties